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CIS-Lao Cai students confidently demonstrate their character as future global citizens: talented, confident in communication, and interested in social issues.

Good foreign language, confident communication, self-study ability, critical thinking, concern for social issues and responsibility to the community… are the soft skills that CIS-Lao Cai students cultivate every day. with the goal of becoming future global citizens, talented, brave, and confident to go to the ocean.

Study “Canadian” style in Vietnam

“Hello everyone, I am Nguyen Minh Nhat. Today I will introduce everyone to the school’s mascot: the dinosaur Albertosaurus”, the 6th grade student began the presentation in English with an excited tone and confident expression.

Few people imagine that Minh Nhat was once a rather timid boy, always afraid of standing in front of a crowd. Moving to study at Cis-Lao Cai, Minh Nhat received attention, encouragement and enthusiastic guidance from the teachers in the class as well as the principal. With a methodical pedagogical approach of international standards, in just a short time, Minh Nhat has quickly integrated into the common learning environment. Not only am I more confident and bolder in communication, but my English skills have also improved significantly.

Students confidently performed the national anthems of Vietnam and Canada on the big stage of the inauguration event


Students confidently welcomed and introduced the school to former President Truong Tan Sang and local leaders.

Canadian International School – Lao Cai (CIS –  Lao Cai) is Alberta’s 18th overseas school in the world. The entire school’s Canadian teaching staff are teachers who meet Alberta teaching standards. Alberta is currently the province with the highest quality of education not only in Canada but also among the top in the world, especially in Science, Math and Reading (According to PISA 2020 assessment). Alberta schools pay special attention to educating  practical skills and critical thinking for students of all ages. And not only Minh Nhat, but all students at Cis-Lao Cai, the pedagogical team here spends time cultivating their confidence and ability to think independently, cultivating good personalities. through actions.

Character education through action

In addition to outstanding knowledge and English, Cis-Lao Cai students are also focused on equipping necessary skills such as communication skills, independent thinking, critical thinking, high adaptability, The ability to plan and master plans… not through mere theory but through specific activities. From classroom activities such as presentations, sports competitions, picnics… to large and small events at school, students are always given opportunities to practice practical social skills.

The children happily interacted and participated in school activities  

“ I am very satisfied with the Canadian standard educational environment here. Since studying at the school, my daughter has been very excited to go to school every morning and her positive changes make me very happy. My child has also become much more independent and confident in communicating, and his ability to communicate in English has also changed dramatically.” Ms. Nguyen Thi Hai Yen, parent of Hoang Khanh Linh, grade 8 shared.

The recognition from parents is both the result of the efforts of Ciser Lao Cai throughout the learning process and the initial achievement of CIS Lao Cai in the process of training students to become future global citizens.

During a working visit to the school in early March, Former President Truong Tan Sang and the local delegation also had a very good impression of the students’ confidence in communication and shared: “This is A typical educational model, from facilities to very progressive teaching thinking, not only trains future leaders for confident international integration but also focuses on promoting national self-esteem. for the students. I would like to congratulate the great efforts of Khoi Nguyen Investment Holdings Group, the teachers and students of Canadian International School – Lao Cai”.


Former President Truong Tan Sang and local leaders shared with KNI Holdings Group (KNI Holdings).

To achieve those initial results, the school always promotes the spirit of freedom to be creative, confident to make decisions and become a place where students feel safe, overcoming the barriers of worrying about wrong answers and know that they will  always be listened to and encouraged . Once children see that each of their individual “colors” are respected and feel happy with the environment, they will confidently express and develop their personal abilities”, Dr. Richard Tapajna – Principal of Canadian International School Lao Cai  emphasized.


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